2023 Taiwanese American Conference
- West Coast
Preserving Taiwanese culture, tradition, and heritages!

Keynote Speaker
沈榮津 Counselor to the Presidential Office of Taiwan /Chairman of Taiwan Financial Holdings
"Global Competitiveness of Taiwan's Resilient Supply Chain"

Currently the Minister of the Presidential Office of the Republic of China and the Chairman of Taiwan Financial Holdings. He was the Vice President of the Executive Yuan and the Minister of Economic Affairs. Shen Rongjin has worked in the Ministry of Economic Affairs for nearly 40 years. In his early career, he was mainly in charge of industrial development in the Industrial Bureau; in 2017, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and successfully promoted the three major investment plans in Taiwan, and assisted in stabilizing power supply. During the epidemic, he organized a national team of masks; 2020 In June 2019, he was officially promoted to Vice President of the Executive Yuan, coordinating financial and industrial affairs, serving as the convener of the National Security Fund, and responsible for promoting industrial upgrading and transformation, energy transformation, and various key industries such as semiconductors, drones, biotechnology and medicine, renewable energy, etc. . In February 2023, he became the chairman of Taiwan Financial Holdings.

Defence / Diplomacy
李喜明 前參謀總長
Former Chief of Gen. Staff

李喜明,中華⺠國海軍二級上將、戰略學 者。海軍官校1977年班、國防大學海軍學 院1982年班、美國海軍戰爭學院1998年 班,曾任潛艦部隊及巡防艦隊艦隊長、國防部聯合作戰演訓中心主任、戰略規劃司司長、常務次長、海軍副司令、副參謀總長、 海軍司令、國防部副部長、參謀總長等軍政要職,於2019年屆齡退役。 李喜明上將於1996年擔任艦長時期遭逢台海飛彈危機,臨危奉令率指揮海虎艦執行潛艦伏擊任務;2002年擔任國防部聯合作戰演訓中心主任,引進美軍聯合戰區模擬系統(JTLS)及聯合作戰訓練制度(JTS),建立國軍現代化電腦輔助指揮所演習(Computer Aided CPX)機制。 2015年擔任海軍司令時,開始積極推動不對稱建軍,籌獲快速布雷艇、沱江級巡邏艦等重大軍事建案。2016年以軍職上將接任國防部副部長,領導完成國防戰略、四年期國防總檢討(QDR)、國防產業發展策略及軍事建案制度變革等重要國防施政工作。2017年接任參謀總長,提出並推動不對稱戰略思維之台灣「整體防衛構想」 (ODC/Overall Defense Concept),務實擘劃臺灣未來的國防藍圖,獲美國政、軍、學界熱烈迴響。 李喜明上將服務軍旅40年餘年,績效卓著,獲頒勳章11座、獎章30座,友盟國家勳章10座 殊榮;因其卓越成就於2019年獲頒美國海軍戰爭學院傑出校友成就獎,引薦進入該校名人堂。 李上將上將學識淵博,工作成效斐然,退役後仍致力拓展區域安全與智庫交流,目前擔任國家安全研究院(INDSR)戰略諮詢委員、台北政經學院基金會-和平與安全中心執行長、政治大學社科院兼任教授、華府智庫2049計劃研究所(Project 2049 Institute)資深研究員、《行動代號2027》共同製作人。
林昶佐 Freddy Lim 立委
Members of Legislative Yuan
"Continuing combat power.."

現任臺北市第五選舉區(中正、萬華)立法委員,於立法院擔任臺美國會議員聯誼會副會長、臺灣國會西藏連線會長、臺灣與英國國會友好協會副會長、臺灣與德國國會友好聯誼會副會長。 曾任國際特赦組織臺灣分會會長,行政院二二八基金會董事、「二〇四六 台灣」成員。 為閃靈樂團主唱,曾獲金曲奬、總統文化獎。
黃捷 市議員
Taiwan city councilor
"Continuing combat power... .."

現任高雄市第九選區(鳳山)議員,台灣大學公衛、社會學雙學士,大學時期擔任校內性別會委員,亦有投入社會運動的相關經驗,畢業後曾擔任環境與政治線記者、法案助理。 長期關心人權、文化、兒少權益。為「二〇四六 台灣」成員,「二〇四六 台灣」主要目標為推動中華民國憲法改革、改造國家體制等。
Austin Wang, Asst. Professor
"Cognitive Operations Analysis .."

趙天麟立委 Sky Chao
Members of Legislative Yuan
"Presence of TSMC, the influence .."

趙天麟為現任立法委員, 所屬選區為高雄第6選舉區(鼓山、鹽埕、前金、新興、苓雅)。 作為外交國防委員會成員,趙委員長期關注國家安全相關法案和對外關係,曾為美國國務院IVLP訪問學人以及日本慶應大學訪問研究員。 此外,他十分關注潔淨能源、氫能、高雄地方發展和運動新經濟等議題,並身體力行,除了擔任台灣氫能促進會發起人之外,他也是一位馬拉松愛好者,今年三月四度挑戰南橫100公里超級馬拉松,四月更挑戰日本富士五湖超級馬拉松。 他曾擔任陳其邁、陳菊、謝長廷等高雄市長競選總部發言人及總幹事,並擔任過民進黨中國事務部主任、青年部主任、民進黨發言人、中央執行委員會委員等職務。 趙委員畢業於國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所和世新大學口語傳播學系,目前正就讀國立高雄應用科技大學機械與精密工程博士班。他也是虔誠基督徒,曾任臺灣基督長老教會高雄中會青年部部長、高雄市府會愛走動團契副會長,目前則為前金教會執事。
苗博雅 市議員
Taiwan city councilor
"Continuing combat power... .."

苗博雅 - 台灣政治人物,社會民主黨籍,現任台北市議員(大安區、文山區)。畢業於國立臺灣大學法律學系財經法學組,曾任台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟法務主任,以及社民黨發言人與全國委員。曾在Yahoo TV主持《阿苗帶風向》,撰寫《蘋果日報》專欄。 其政治立場為社會主義女性主義、同性戀權益、台灣獨立和廢除死刑。 學 歷 • 台大法律系財經法學組 • 北一女中 經 歷 • 台灣安倍晉三之友會監事 • 臺灣石虎足球協會理事長、總領隊 • 臺北市議會改革政團總召、交通委員會召集人 • 美國國務院IVLP 計畫、歐盟EUVP 計畫訪賓 • 臺北市議會第13 屆議員 • 蘋果日報專欄作家 • 青平台基金會董事 • 第9 屆立委選舉台北市文山區參選人 • 社會民主黨全國委員 • 318 佔領立院運動志工
林秉宥 市議員
Taiwan city councilor
"Taiwan Strait Security and U.S. .."

林秉宥是第四屆新北市議員,軍事科普專書「阿共打來怎麼辦」共同作者,FaceBook粉絲專頁王立第二戰研所企劃。 他曾經擔任過臺北市議員徐佳青秘書,新北市副議長陳文治辦公室執行長,民進黨中央黨部副秘書長室,臺灣軍警戰術研究發展協會理事長,雲林同鄉會全國總會理事,新北市雲林同鄉會總會理事 學歷是淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所,東吳大學政治系

Technology / Trade Policy
Evan Yu, JD
Asso. Dir. at Crowell & Moring Intl.
"US Company & US-Taiwan Relation .."

Evan Yu is Associate Director at Crowell & Moring International, a global public policy, international trade, and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C. For nearly a decade, he has advised global Fortune 500 companies in the healthcare, technology, and retail sectors on trade and public policy developments in Taiwan, the United States, and the wider Asia-Pacific region. Recently, he has helped clients navigate multilateral policy discussions and agreements such as the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, as well as trade negotiations such as the U.S.-Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative. Prior to joining C&M International, he worked with the U.S. Trade Representative in the Office of China Affairs and the Office of the General Counsel. He holds a J.D. from New York University School of Law and a bachelor’s degree in literature and international studies from Yale University.
Jesse Shiah
Co-Founder & CEO, AgilePoint
"Citizen Development – The New.."

Mr. Shiah has dedicated his career to redefining the software-development paradigm and democratizing process automation and application development. By enabling citizen development and promoting equality and diversity, Shiah aspires to help organizations of any size achieve process excellence and accelerate digital transformation. Since 2003, Mr. Shiah has been a pioneer in low code no code innovation. He founded AgilePoint in Silicon Valley to deliver disruptive digital advantages through the integration of process and modern, composable model-driven technologies that require no coding. Shiah has worked with organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 100s to accelerate their digital process automation, innovation, and citizen development success. He has presented at numerous high-tech conferences, where he continues to evangelize the vision. Mr. Shiah served as President of NATEA-SV for 2019.
Microsoft Senior Manager

廖英博(香菇)博士現為西雅圖微軟總部資深軟體工程經理(Senior Software Engineering Manager),為O365 Microsoft Teams初創工程師之一,目前帶領團隊主管Teams Platform前端功能,主導的功能曾兩度登上微軟全球開發者大會//Build的開幕Keynote。 同時,香菇也是『US Taiwan Watch美國台灣觀測站』(USTW)共同創辦人及理事,USTW為美國登記501c3聯邦非營利組織,關注台美議題,教育推廣台灣及在美國的受眾台美關係之重要性,過公民科技、社群媒體等民間力量推動台美關係、報導分析第一手美中台關係,其中臉書粉專超過16萬人追蹤、Podcast超過1百萬次下載,且和聯經出版社合作出版的『為什麼我們要在意美國』一書,獲駐美大使蕭美琴專文推薦,於各大線上與實體通路發行。也因為這個身份,2022年代表USTW被徵選為立法院開放國會民間委員,將美國國會開放資料的經驗貢獻回台灣立法院。今年也受邀參加由公督盟、美國國際民主協會(NDI)及西敏寺民主基金會(WFD)共同舉辦之『2023國會開放與監督論壇』,列席為『公民科技與開放資料如何協助立法過程中的公民參與』座談與談者,分享USTW如何利用美國國會開放資料建立台美相關法案的查詢與監督工具。今年在此進行美西夏令會的同時,USTW也在美東台灣人夏令會共同舉辦『美台系統升級黑客松』,鼓勵大眾利用公民科技、開放資料來發揮創意,進行台美關係議題相關的專案。 除了USTW之外,香菇也積極參與台美人北美社群,服務貢獻推廣台灣:曾擔任American Citizens for Taiwan理事(美國登記501c3非營利組織),推廣台美議題、『西雅圖台灣同鄉會』理事,2019年度幫助多位訪美台政治人物募款並舉辦講座、組織2020年西雅圖小英後援會,幫忙後援會輔選等。 專業方面,因為從小就開始coding的關係,從古老的到最新的軟體技術都相當熟悉,專長為大型軟體開發,以及大尺度高效能運算,最高學歷美國德州農工大學(Texas A&M University)海洋工程博士、台大土木所電腦輔助(CAE)工程碩士、台北科大土木系環境工程學士,發表國際期刊論文、國內外研討會論文合計數十篇,國際水利資訊期刊(Journal of Hydroinformatics)審稿至今。博士留學期間也與同校教授和同學組成科技新創團隊,獲得許多全美新創競賽獎項與獎金,開發NLP(自然語言處理)技術並應用於e-learning,因此為IBM合作夥伴、獲選為Intel在矽谷的加速器、成功申請美國NLP專利等。
Rockwell Hsu
Cisco Systems
"HiTech Industry Trends & Young Gen...“

Dr. Rockwell Hsu is a Technical Lead at Cisco Systems, Inc. where he led an initiative on advanced ASIC and PCB interface design for 112Gbps per lane signaling for network equipment, SI/PI R&D for next generation network line cards and fabric cards used in 400G switches and 800G routers, and driving metaconductor research for signal loss reduction in chip-to-chip communication. Prior to Cisco, he led RF and server CPU packaging development at Intel, and C-band, X-band, Ku-Band satellite antenna design at Space Systems/Loral. Dr. Hsu holds one US patent. Industry advisor for NSF’s Convergence Accelerator – 2022 Cohort, Track I: Energy-efficient MetaConductors for Convergence of Sustainable Electronics. Industry advisor for Thrust 4 of Southeastern Consortium for Assured and Leading-Edge Semiconductors (SCALES). North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association (NATEA) Headquarters President, 2020 ~ 2021 Silicon Valley Chapter President, 2016 Chairman of Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS), 1998 ~ 1999.

Dr. Terrence G. Wiley
Past Pres. of the Center for Applied Linguistics
”Retaining Heritage Language in U.S.."

Dr. Terrence (Terry) Wiley is Professor Emeritus at Arizona State University where he served as Executive Dean of the former Mary Lou Fulton Graduate School of Education. He is also Immediate Past President of the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C., and, currently, Special Professor of the Graduate College of the University of Maryland, College Park. Professor Wiley received Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in Linguistics from the University of Southern California, has a master’s in Linguistics and another in Asian Studies, and a B.A. in History. Professor Wiley’s research focuses on educational language policy for immigrant and minority groups in the U.S., heritage and community language education, and English and globalization, among other areas. He was founding co-editor of the Journal of the International Multilingual Research Journal (Routledge) and the Journal of Language Identity and Education (Routledge). Internationally, he has collaborated with universities around the world to promote educational equity and language learning. Professor Wiley has won numerous awards for scholarship, research, and teaching including the Arizona Asian American Association’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education (2004), the American Association for Applied Linguistics’ Outstanding Achievement Award (2013), and UCLA’s Joshua Fishman Award for Heritage Language Research (2018).
Shiny Wu ( BonBon)
US and Taiwan Arts in Bloom
"Star Children's trip to U.S..“

Shiny 是2023第一屆亞美藝術交流策展人,2022 BonBon Story Town Founder of 亞美故事館挪亞同舟生命故事分享ZoomClub, 2021 Shiny 老師*畫說西遊*獲Texas Storytelling Festival提名Rising Stars得獎者, 2020 疫情之前, Shiny 老師 at McKinney 圖書館帶動中秋節-全館找月餅遊戲手作故事工作坊- " Fly me to the moon " 同年為文協Zoom分享/導讀英文小說 *A Year Down Yonder * 讀英文(彼年惦呷) 回想台灣那些年那些事 2019 Open Shiny Star Story Tent 樂齡明星營/英文說故事營 2018 在達拉斯市中心Garden Festival " 肥皂箱新詩發表"。 2017年在Denton Civic Center 故事表演*台灣布農八音Acappella Praying Song同時展覽Shiny老師的5幅* 聲波*的玻璃藝術創作。 2016受邀馬來西亞,新加坡等地區的華文學校開講 *簡易力青少年領導營隊策展* 2015,Shiny老師兩岸三地展開 *簡易力故事工坊* 從事資優班師資培訓。 先後在深圳,廣東開講21世紀全方位資優教學 "簡易力故事工作坊" / 台灣大學社科院* 生活創意-你也是故事家* / 輔仁大學*天賦自由用科學說故事*/ 台灣樂齡50+ 簡易力工作坊*IMprov Dance - Rubberband Healing Power * 亞美故事館BonBonUSA Mission: To bring the power of Hope, Healing & Empowerments through Jesus Love.
Wendy Cheng, Assoc. Professor
Chair, Intercollegiate American Studies Program
”Becoming Taiwanese American..."

Wendy Cheng is Associate Professor of American Studies at Scripps College. She received her A.B. from Harvard University in English and American Language and Literature, her M.A. in Geography from UC Berkeley, and her Ph.D. in American Studies and Ethnicity from the University of Southern California. She is the author of The Changs Next Door to the Díazes: Remapping Race in Suburban California (University of Minnesota Press, 2013), which won the 2014 Book Award from the American Sociological Association’s Section on Asia and Asian America; and coauthor of A People’s Guide to Los Angeles (with Laura Pulido and Laura Barraclough; University of California Press, 2012), which won the Association of American Geographers’ Globe Book Award for Public Understanding of Geography and the SCIBA Nonfiction Award. Her new book, Island X: Taiwanese Student Migrants, Campus Spies, and Cold War Activism is forthcoming from University of Washington Press in November 2023. Her creative nonfiction essays and articles have been published in New Bloom, the Cincinnati Review, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, among others. Cheng is a board member of Amerasia Journal, the Journal of Asian American Studies, and the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. She was a founding member of Arizona Critical Ethnic Studies and currently serves on the Executive Council of the American Studies Association. For more information, please visit: wendycheng.com

前衛福部長 Fmr. Min. of Health and Welfare

陳時中、畢業自臺北醫學院(今臺北醫學大學)牙醫學系,曾任行政院衛生署(衛生福利部前身)副署長時推動全民健康保險牙醫總額制,後出任衛生福利部部長,為該部改制後首位牙醫師出身的部長牙醫師 2019年底冠狀病毒病疫情期間,以衛福部部長身份 兼任中央流行疫情指揮中心指揮官達兩年多,直到2022年7月10日宣布接受民主進步黨徵召參選參選台北市長
顏玉屏 藥劑博士
Doctor of pharmacy

Dr. Yuh-Ping Yen has been a registered pharmacist for over a decade. She is currently practicing in a community pharmacy setting and is also a licensed immunizer and preceptor. Dr. Yen was born and raised in Taiwan, where she received her early, middle, and high school educations. After high school graduation, Dr. Yen attended and graduated college with a degree in pharmacy. After completing college and practicing pharmacy in Taiwan, Dr. Yen immigrated to the United States where she completed her postgraduate education, earning several degrees including a Doctor of Pharmacy diploma from the University of Hawaii College of Pharmacy. After attaining her doctorate degree, Dr. Yen also gained special skills as a clinical pharmacist at Humana, as well as certifications in compounding, diabetes, geriatric, and hyperlipidemia. In addition to her work as a Community Pharmacist, Dr. Yen has begun an entrepreneurial endeavor by creating and becoming CEO and President of her own registered PLLC company, which promotes healthy lifestyle choices and education through creating nutraceutical products designed to improve morbidity and mortality standards/rates among the population.
莊耕宇醫師 Keng-Yu “Willy” Chuang, MD

Division Chief of Gastroenterology, District Medical Group/Valleywise Health Clinical Associate Professor, Creighton University School of Medicine Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Arizona School of Medicine Dr. Chuang grew up in Taipei, Taiwan, and attended the Affiliate Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (師大附中). He received an undergraduate degree in molecular biology and biochemistry from Rutgers College, Rutgers University, and a medical degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) – New Jersey Medical School. He then completed internship and residency training in internal medicine at Temple University, followed by fellowship training in gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Arizona. He is currently the division chief of gastroenterology for District Medical Group and Valleywise Health. He also serves as a core faculty for the GI fellowship training program at the Creighton University School of Medicine – Phoenix Campus. Aside from his medical career, Dr. Chuang received extended training in classical music in Taiwan at Guang Ren Elementary School (光仁小學) and Nan Men Junior High School (南門國中) music programs, and is an avid violinist. He, along with his two young sons, are active members of the Phoenix Boys Choir and enjoy performing around Phoenix.

Politics / Society
陳時奮(翁達瑞)教授 Shih-Fen Chen
Academia Professor/Director
"Taiwan's Democracy Examination, .."

Shih-Fen Chen is currently the Kaiser Professor of International Business and Director of the Center for International Business at Western Washington University Shih-Fen Chen was born and raised in Taiwan. After completing his undergraduate studies, he worked for four years before deciding to pursue an MBA at Michigan State University. After earning his degree, he returned to Taiwan and worked in various executive capacities for over six years. In 1991, he left the business world to pursue an academic career. Shih-Fen Chen obtained his Ph.D. in International Business from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1996. His research interests include outsourcing, licensing, and foreign direct investment. His work has been published in esteemed academic journals, such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Retailing, Strategic Management Journal, among others. Shih-Fen Chen was a tenured full professor at Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario from 2006 to 2018. He is now a professor emeritus at Ivey Business School. Prior to joining Ivey Business School, he taught at Brandeis University from 1999 to 2006 and Kansas State University from 1997 to 1999. His teaching areas include Global Strategy, Global Marketing, and Global Value Chain. In addition to his teaching and research work, Shih-Fen Chen is a case method tutor with over 20 years of experience in case teaching and writing. He has conducted more than 70 training workshops in Asia, attracting nearly 8,000 professors from prestigious business schools in Australia, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. Following his promotion to full professor at Ivey Business School in 2013, Shih-Fen Chen began writing political commentaries. His work has gained recognition, and he has appeared on various television shows as well as contributed to several print media outlets in Taiwan. He has a strong online presence, with nearly 60,000 followers on his Facebook page.
卓冠廷 市議員 Kuan-Ting Cho
Taiwan city councilor
"The role of the new generation.."

卓冠廷,Kuan-Ting Cho,為第四屆新北市議員(現任)以及民主進步黨新北市議會黨團幹事長。在決定回到家鄉—土城、樹林、三峽、鶯歌參選並首次當選市議員以前,卓冠廷曾任自由時報社會線記者、立法委員林佳龍國會辦公室新聞組長、交通部部長辦公室主任、社團法人台灣智庫民調中心主任,並曾為台中市新聞局長,同時也是台灣最年輕的直轄市新聞局長。 卓冠廷為民進黨在2022年當選的諸多年輕新科議員之一,關注主權、外交、交通、教育、文化等多項議題,並常於電視政論節目評論時事及台灣政治局勢。卓冠廷於競選市議員時便宣誓「強力監督就是政府最好的防腐劑。」並致力串連青年世代議員強化議會少數黨問政能量。 經歷: 台灣智庫民調中心主任 台中新聞局長 交通部長辦公室主任 國會助理 自由時報記者 學歷: 柏克萊大學公共事務碩士 國立政治大學公共行政學系
山田摩衣 市議員 Yamada Mai
Taiwan city councilor
"The role of the new generation.."

山田摩衣,Yamada Mai,第四屆新北市議員。為台灣出生長大的台日混血兒,從小生活在多元文化環境下,親身感受台灣的多元族群差異。 過去於立法院長游錫堃辦公室負責國會外交及公關領域事務,多次接待來自日本、捷克等外國貴賓,並主持國際性會議進行相互學習、交流。 山田摩衣於2022年當選,為諸多年輕新科議員之一,關注台灣認同、主權、外交、青年、教育及新住民,致力於拓展台灣的外交空間,並促進和日本等友好國家的交流、互動。 選區位於新北市板橋區,藉由板橋兩字中「橋」的意涵,期許自己銜接起不同世代、不同族群、不同文化,民意與市政、在地與國際。 經歷: 立法院長游錫堃國會辦公室助理 立法委員余天競選辦公室社團部主任 民主進步黨新北市黨部宣傳組組長 民主進步黨第18、19屆全國黨代表 立法院國會辦公室副主任 學歷: 國立政治大學國際事務學院碩士班
Members of Legislative Yuan
"Local & National election .."

林靜儀醫師自南投鹿谷成長,並赴台中求學及就業,從事婦產科醫師一職,於台中服務二十餘年,接生的孩子已超過 7000 餘位,門診服務對象遍及大台中。2016 年擔任第九屆立法委員,秉持專業問政外,更赴多國進行國會外交,吸取國際經驗,轉化為我國政策參考。 卸任後除了持續進行醫療服務,照顧大台中的婦女及幼兒外,更擔任無任所大使一職,致力推動國際醫療服務合作 林靜儀醫師 學歷,中山醫學大學醫學系學士,台大分子醫學研究所碩士,中山醫學大學醫學研究所碩士,中山醫學大學醫學研究所博士 林靜儀醫師 經歷無任所大使,Liberal International 人權委員, 民進黨中央黨部國際部主任,民進黨中央黨部婦女發展部主任,中山醫大附設醫院產科主任,行政院婦權會委員
陳乃瑜 市議員 Chen Naiyu
Taiwan city councilor
"The role of the new generation.."

從新聞工作者斜槓跨界,人生大轉彎!乃瑜在2022年底九合一大選,參選新北市議員,在深藍艱困選區:新店、深坑、石碇、坪林、烏來,拿下3萬1473票,衝上民進黨全國第一高票。乃瑜當選後,持續勤走基層,為地方建設奔走,積極參與各個公園的升級及綠地維護,山區的道路修護與通訊,落實日照社區化,同時也正在規劃透過交通串聯人權文化教育的「人權廊道」。 乃瑜過去自台灣大學新聞所畢業後,投入新聞工作十多年,長期關注社福、環境,以及人權等議題,在第一線為民眾伸張正義,曾多次榮獲「社會光明面新聞報導獎」;長照系列專題更獲台灣醫療報導獎的肯定;在三立新聞台節目「導讀台灣」製作的〈我住火燒島流麻溝15 號 悲鳴威權下的女思想犯〉專題,也獲得2022年平冤年度新聞獎佳作。 乃瑜希望自己不只做一個監督者,更要具體投入體制內執行改革,成為人民和政府間溝通的橋樑! 經歷: 三立新聞主播、資深記者 壹電視節目執行製作 三立新聞政治組召集人 青桃影音工坊總監 台灣聯合國協進會顧問 新和國小家長會顧問 榮譽: 社會光明面新聞報導獎 台灣醫療報導獎 平冤新聞獎 學歷: 國立台灣大學新聞碩士 國立政治大學廣告學士
洪慈庸 前立委
Fmr. Members of Legislative Yuan
"The role of the new generation.."

洪慈庸曾任立法院院長游錫堃辦公室機要顧問及臺中市第三選舉區立法委員。 2013年,在弟弟洪仲丘於中華民國陸軍服兵役並遭不當對待致死後,致力於與中華民國國防部等事件有關單位交涉,並開始為大眾所知。 2015年,加入剛成立之時代力量,於臺中市第三選舉區代表該黨參選於2016年中華民國立法委員選舉。雖然缺乏基層樁腳,但最終在民主進步黨支持下擊敗挑戰六連霸的中國國民黨籍立委楊瓊瓔,順利當選。2019年8月13日,退出時代力量並參與成立跨黨派陣線,致力於協助時任中華民國總統蔡英文競選連任。2020年,在立法委員選舉中以969張得票數之差距,敗給剛卸任臺中市副市長、捲土重來的前立委楊瓊瓔。 卸任後不久,轉任立法院機要顧問,直至2022年3月為配合其夫卓冠廷參選新北市議員而請辭,由前立委周雅淑接任